Hello Braccha i.ve recently been following your site’s have been enjoying them very much.. your very knowledgeable lady..your very warm & vibrant..you really care bout what you say & do.. I usually like to listen early in morning so gives good start till the day…i.ve always had keen interest in Astrology. I can follow all you say so easily.. thank you for your very warm caring personality..I can relate to all you said..I am I feel just starting something new.changing my living accommodation
Cate Denson
Wow, thank you Bracha, I love your YouTube videos, but I didn’t realise you did monthly astrology readings and a free mini chart (which was definitely more than I expected!) You are an inspiration to so many of us! I just wanted to say a Massive Thank You for all your time and energy! Cate xx
Hello Braccha i.ve recently been following your site’s have been enjoying them very much.. your very knowledgeable lady..your very warm & vibrant..you really care bout what you say & do.. I usually like to listen early in morning so gives good start till the day…i.ve always had keen interest in Astrology. I can follow all you say so easily.. thank you for your very warm caring personality..I can relate to all you said..I am I feel just starting something new.changing my living accommodation
Wow, thank you Bracha, I love your YouTube videos, but I didn’t realise you did monthly astrology readings and a free mini chart (which was definitely more than I expected!) You are an inspiration to so many of us! I just wanted to say a Massive Thank You for all your time and energy! Cate xx