Jupiter into Libra | Love is all you need
Jupiter into Virgo – Change of Fortune
Jupiter, planet of good fortune, wealth and abundance changes signs once a year. It goes into Virgo on August 11th 2015 and will stay there until September 9th 2016.
If you have Sun, Moon, Ascendant or any planets in Virgo, Jupiter will offer you new opportunities for growth, expansion and change. Even if you don’t have any planets in Virgo, look for the house or houses that Virgo occupies in your chart and this will show you the life area that will be affected by Jupiter’s transit into Virgo.
Jupiter magnifies whatever it touches. When it changes sign, it favours all the industries and businesses associated with that sign.
For those of you in any of the fields below, or if you are thinking of creating a business in any of these areas, this would be a great time to get started.
Health, healing – especially natural medicines
Food, nutrition
Energy medicine and the power of the mind
Environmental issues, projects, healing of our Earth
Sharing economy – sharing cars, houses, assets in general
Charity and volunteer work
Quantum nanotechnology
Animals and their healing qualities
Breakthroughs in medicines and healing in general
Machines which measure different aspects of our health
Growth of non-invasive medical techniques
Education, teaching and learning
Writing, publishing, communications
For more information, check out the video:
Happy Healthy Jupiter into Virgo!
Jupiter into Virgo – Change of Fortune
Jupiter Changes Sign and Full Moon in Capricorn

- Look at how you manage your TIME. Work smarter and not harder.
- Examine your finances and look out for bargains.
- Take responsibility for everything: your health, work, relationships.
- Declutter – get rid of anything you no longer need or use.
- Make survival preparations e.g. store canned and dried goods, water, first-aid kit, electricity back-up, copies of important documents.
- Decide to do ONE thing at a time and complete it.
- Face anything unpleasant that you have been avoiding.
As it’s conjunct to Pluto, something deep may come up that you need to deal with. As it’s also square to Uranus you might feel nervous about taking a new step.
Let me share a personal example:
Whenever something breaks down or goes wrong, my knee-jerk reaction has always been to ask someone to help me. I might try to sort it out myself for a short while, but then give up if it got too hard.
Case in point: today the pilot light on my central heating boiler suddenly went out. There are several men in the house that I can usually call on who will come and sort it out. But nonetheless I got my ladder out and I did try for a few minutes to light it myself – to no avail. So off I went to find a man. No one was home except one who said he’d come by later on.
After waiting over an hour, I got so impatient when he didn’t show up that I decided I would persevere with it until I got the blooming thing to work. So out came the ladder again and I pressed that button so many times until finally the pilot light came on!! Yeah!!~ I did it by myself and I felt so empowered.
I realized that I gotten into the habit of giving up much too soon without forcing myself to go beyond my comfort zone.
Is there anywhere in your life where you are giving up too soon?
This Full Moon conjunct Pluto and square to Uranus wants you to pull something new out of the hat. Don’t allow fear to stop you. It’s quite amazing what we each have inside of us that is untapped. Now is the time to unearth it. We are stronger and more capable then each of us imagine.
Here’s the Full Moon video:
Full Moon in Capricorn, July 12th |
The other big news this month is that Jupiter, planet of expansion, growth and learning, moves out of Cancer and into Leo on July 17th
The Jupiter in Leo video:
Jupiter in Leo 2014-2015 – How will your luck change? |
Jupiter into Leo – How can you benefit?
Jupiter into Leo 2014-2015
Jupiter, planet of good fortune, abundance and prosperity, goes into Leo on July 17th 2014 until August 12th 2015.
This is very favourable as it will be making a beneficial trine aspect with Uranus in Aries bringing sudden, unexpected events and surprises. This is especially highlighted during the months of September 2014 and March and June of 2015 when this trine becomes exact.
On a personal level, the Fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will definitely have a boost this year. For Leos, especially, it will be a time of new beginnings, opportunities and growth. Check out your own chart because you may have some planets in Leo which will be activated by this transit.
Leo rules the heart, so this is the time to open up, and to feel the love inside of you and to share it with others. Think about Leo the lion: it’s regal, it’s very proud and it doesn’t grovel. It’s strong and self-assured.
Become aware of your posture: are you standing tall? Are you breathing deeply and holding your head up high? As soon as you improve your posture, you become more positive and your attitude changes. When you slouch and look downwards, this can lead to depression and negative thoughts. When in doubt, just visualise the lion in the jungle and you’ll regain your regal stance.
Leo is the natural actor of the zodiac and it loves drama and excitement. This is a great time to change your style of dress, to stand out in the way you present yourself, to wear bright, royal colours. Instead of always going out in jeans and a t-shirt, decide to put on something that makes you feel wealthy and confident. If you are going out on a special date or to a party, put your glad rags on and spice yourself up! You never know who you might meet!
This is a great time for manifesting whatever you want in your life. The key to new and exciting opportunities is triggered when you are feeling enthusiastic and inspired. Find your passion. What would make you get up in the morning with a spring in your step? I am very fortunate because I absolutely love astrology. In fact, when I wake up I am instantly thinking about my next video, article, newsletter, reading…. and it’s never boring because there’s always more to learn.
Maybe you have a new business idea you want to launch, maybe you have a hobby you really enjoy that you could turn into a career. There’s tons of free help out there: on the internet, companies and organisations who help you to set up your own business, grants and scholarships for study……this is the year to ignite your creative spark and to work in a field that gives you immense gratification.
On a global level, there are several industries that will be positively affected by this transit of Jupiter in Leo:
Games – the gaming industry.
Comedy – jokes will abound, new comedians and impersonators will appear
Entertainment – this is set to grow exponentially. If you are into acting, drama, music – this could be YOUR YEAR!
Entrepreneurs – we will see a huge growth in start-ups. If you’ve always wanted to start a business, this is the time to do it.
Romance and dating – this industry will blossom so if you’re looking to meet someone new or you’d like a business with great potential, it could be your lucky time.
Children – anything connected with babies, children, teenagers will see growth e.g. gadgets, toys, clothes, education.
Gold is ruled by Leo so it’s likely we’ll see a surge in its price. You might want to buy a small amount now while the price is relatively low.
There are countries having many planets in Leo. Most notable are: India, Pakistan and Iraq. We will be hearing more of these countries in the news during this year.
Keep in mind that Jupiter in Leo wants you to find your unique voice. When you shine, you draw to you all the good things in life. Follow your inspiration and your heart and be the STAR in your life.