March Astrology
What have you learned? Uranus wants you to wake up and to claim your individuality. No one in this world is like you. Your astrology chart shows your unique fingerprint, your gifts, talents, challenges and opportunities. Wherever this Pluto Uranus square falls in your chart, shows the life areas where you need to break out, be willing to change and to reinvent yourself.
After cringing about hearing it happen to so many other people, that’s exactly what happened to me.
Someone with whom I had a 20 year relationship, without warning, sent me an email ending our connection.
After spending a week reeling in shock, I decided to sit down and analyze what happened to see if there were any gems of wisdom I could glean from it.
This is a relationship that I had put my heart and my soul into. This is someone for whom I would have laid my life down. This is someone that I had always held in the highest esteem and I wanted only the best for. I never anticipated that there could be anything at all we couldn’t discuss and get through. How wrong I was.
Looking back on the relationship, I’m trying to see whether there are any lessons can be learned from this painful experience. Two come to mind immediately:
This is a person who, over the years, I had seen cut other relationships dead. Even their very best friend of many decades was cut dead. So I had seen this behaviour, but I chose to ignore it and to trust (in my ignorance and illusion), that it would never happen to me. We even had the discussion several times and I was assured that we would always stay loving and connected this lifetime.
Two huge lessons.
Now that a little time has elapsed, I am able to look back on the relationship and I am extremely grateful for the many wonderful times that we had and for the love that we shared. I gained so much and I learned a great deal.
What could I have done differently?
I truly don’t know. I have asked myself that question so many times and whilst I know I’m certainly not perfect, I do think I deserved the courtesy of a phone call rather than an email.
But sometimes in life, there are no warnings. Sometimes there are no signs, or if there are, we choose not to see them.
But I can truly say, that with this relationship, I gave it my all so there are no regrets.
The eclipse season is upon us. On March 20th there is a Super New Moon Solar Eclipse at the last degree of Pisces.
It’s a time of tying up loose ends, allowing old things to pass away so that you can start fresh. Just 13 hours later, the Sun goes into Aries and the Spring Equinox begins (autumn in the southern hemisphere). This energy helps you to make changes and to move forward with anything that has been stuck for a while.
Sometimes our greatest upheavals are our greatest gifts. I am determined to turn these various challenges into opportunities. Over the weeks and months ahead, I’ll keep sharing my insights and personal experiences with you.
Thanking you all for your care and your concern,
I appreciate each and every one of you,
With love from ‘Good Olde England’,
Thank you for sharing a big part if you life with us, my life change nearly 3years ago with the loss of my husband, my new journey is just beginning and with the help of astrology I hopefully can go forward thankyou xx
Hi Julie, I do wish you joy and happiness on this new chapter of your life xxx
Thankyou you YouTube videos are a great help to me and I wish you health and happiness for your future xxx
Thank you very much Julie! xxx